Playing Invisible

Chapter 2

Heero pushed his way through the throng of people muttering various apologies and pleasantries. The snow had been thick on the sidewalks above and many people were covered in a light dusting of the stuff. Heero brushed stray ice crystals from his face as he shoved further through the mass.

He had fled his own apartment, his apartment, when Quatre had asked him to join them. He had no other choice in truth. He could no longer claim to have a mission that he had to rush off to, he had simply fled. And they wouldn't understand.

The rude beeping signaled the closing of the train's doors. Heero shoved his foot between the closing doors and managed to squeeze through. Sighing heavily, he took one of the few remaining seats. The seat was hard and frigid, biting at Heero's back through his jacket.

Heero had left the others after their last party feeling - actually feeling! - alone and tired. The emotions had puzzled him at first; he had not felt such things during the wars. He had felt nothing but the need to continue fighting during the long battles of war, he had not had the time to feel lonely or tired. He had been what was expected of him by everyone, he'd been the Perfect Soldier.

The subway train stopped alongside a larger group of impatient people. Had it been fifteen minutes already? Heero rested an arm in front of his belly in protection as the people pushed and forced their way aboard. Etiquette was forgotten as men sat in the seats leaving the women to standing and women shoved their way passed men to claim seats first. At last the signal sounded and the doors shut abruptly, ceasing the flow of passengers on and off.

A soft groan caught Heero's attention and he tilted his head up to see the person next to him. The lady was heavily pregnant, one hand resting on her swollen stomach, the other clutching at the cold pole next to her. Heero's hand fell to his own belly in response to a soft flutter against the taught skin. He softly rubbed the area with his thumb, suppressing a smile. Sighing quietly, he stood and nodded toward his vacant seat when the lady looked at him.

    "Oh, oh thank you!" She said softly. "Are you sure?" At his nod she sat, sighing happily with a smile.

Heero grimaced as he took the cold pole in his hand, safely gripping it for the rest of the ride.


Heavy white flakes drifted by the window, kissing the glass and slowly dissolving to nothing but a faint memory. Soft breathes fogged the clear pane as Heero looked out the window. He lifted his hand and placed it on the cold glass, staring transfixed at the falling snow.

    "Love it or hate it, it's beautiful, huh?"

Heero started at the gentle voice, tearing his gaze from the scenery back to his corner of the corporate world. A sharp kick echoed in his abdomen at his sudden surprise and he had to force his hand from falling to rub the spot. He nodded tersely and reached for the papers the other was holding.

She set the papers down on the corner of the desk before making her way to stand next to the window. "Sometimes," she paused, looking out over the fluffy mound of white. A small smile graced her lips. "Sometimes," she began again, "I just wanna start walking in the snow and forget everything -- just keeping walking 'til I wind up somewhere I like." Her voice held longing in each word. "It's just so beautiful."

Heero looked at the woman curiously though his face held the same blankness he always wore. She turned suddenly, a crimson blush heating her face.

    "Um, sorry to, ah..." She quickly made her way to the door. "I guess I got a little caught up in things." Her mouth tugged up at the corners as she looked back to Heero. "You have a great view, Mr. Yuy."

Heero nodded for the flustered woman's sake before dismissing her by turning to the new paperwork.


Blue eyes closed wearily as cramped hands sets the pile of papers in the 'out' bin on the desk. Heero curled and uncurled his fingers to ease the dull throb in them. It had been an especially long day of paperwork and tedium.

He turned his head to the frosty window. The sky was dim and few people dared to scurry along the icy roads. Clouds overhead threatened to open and dump more of the dreaded white mess down on the populace of Chicago.

Heero sighed as he gazed blindly at the white snow.

Sometimes I just wanna start walking in the snow and forget everything -- just keeping walking 'til I wind up somewhere I like.

Heero blinked slowly, bringing his hands down to rest on his belly. He dropped his eyes to where his hands lay, as if seeing the life underneath. A small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

    "Baby," he said softly.

He looked out at the snow once more. Suddenly the streets were not so uninviting and he clouds were a little lighter.

    "We're going to find somewhere we like."


 Short and a bit... lacking. And MAN did it take forever. I blame the start of school and lack a Heero muse. Please, *please* let me know if this chapter was worth it -- It's the third chapter two I've written. -_- I just can't get Heero's personality right.

Chapter 3

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