Author Notes: Thoughts to ones self are in italics and telepathy is surrounded by <…>




Chapter 1

            The young girl began to stir and opened her eyes. <Where am I?>
            "Oh, good your awake," a voice said from the doorway.

            <Why does that voice sound so familiar?> She asked herself and turned toward the voice. "Oh, my Kami-sama." Was all she managed to get out before everything went black.  

When she woke again it was dark outside. <Ok, I must have been dreaming.> She told herself and looked around the room. She saw someone sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. The girl focused her vision but could only make out the silhouette of the figure; but even only with that she could tell who it was. "No, it can't be. I must be dreaming," she whispered to herself.
            "Hm?" the figure asked. "Oh you're awake. Good." The girl almost fainted again as the figure stood and walked over to the bed where she was lying. She couldn't believe what, or rather who she was seeing. Gohan. The one she had always had a major crush on, even though he was only a character in an anime.
            "Wh-where am I?" she stuttered.
            "My friend Piccolo found you, or I guess you kinda found him,” Gohan scratched the back of his head. “Anyways you were unconscious so he brought you here. What's your name?"
            "De... Deanna," she got out weakly as she looked up into the eyes that she had loved so much back in her world.
            "Hello Deanna, my name is Gohan. Kaasan!" Gohan called out the door. "She's awake!"
            “You don’t need to shout, Gohan, I’m right here,” a dark haired woman entered the room sending her son a quick glare before giving Deanna a smile. "Hello there. My name is Chichi. Who might you been?"

            Deanna just stared at the woman, her mouth hanging slightly open. <This can't be real. I must be dreaming>
            "Her name is Deanna," Gohan answered for her.
            "What a pretty name. Deanna, how are you feeling?"
            "Fine, arigato," she replied softly.  
            "Um, could you please explain how you got that high in the air, when no plane was around please?" Gohan asked.
            "Gohan, let her at least have a glass of water before you start badgering her with questions!" Chichi all but yelled at her son.
            "I'm sorry, would you like a glass of water, Deanna?" Gohan asked.
Deanna almost laughed as she watched the all to familiar scene of Gohan being yelled at by his mother. "No arigato, Gohan."
            "Ok, now how did you get so high? I can't get a Ki reading from you. Are you hiding your Ki or something? How else could you get so far up there without a plane?" Gohan asked.
            "Ki?” She gave him a confused look. <What the hell? Of course I don't have any Ki! How could I? This isn't real!> “I...I really don't know how I got up there. The last thing I remember was looking over the top of a cliff. But other than that I only remember waking up before and then passing out again."
            "Yes, why did you pass out again?" Chichi asked. "All I said was oh, good you’re awake, and you said 'Oh my Kami-sama' and passed out."
            "I... I don't know," Deanna lied as she looked down to avoid making eye contact with either one of them. Gohan was sure she was lying but decided against asking more for now.
            "Well, ok,” Chichi changed the subject seeing it was making the girl uncomfortable. “Would you like some dinner? I saved you some from the two eating machines I call sons." Chichi laughed.
            "Sons?" <If it's sons that means...> "Ouf!"
            "Goten!" Chichi yelled. "What have I told you about jumping on people?!"
            "Um... don't." The small boy answered innocently.
            "That's right! Now apologize to Deanna!"
            "I'm sorry," Goten apologized innocently but his eyes told Deanna otherwise.
            "Um... that's ok." Deanna tried to hide a laugh.
            "Deanna, this is my youngest son Goten. Goten, this is Deanna," Chichi introduced.
            "Hiya!" the small demi greeted cheerfully.
            "Um… hi," Deanna said less enthusiastically.
            "Goten, time for bed. So, Deanna you didn't answer my question. Would you like some dinner?" Chichi asked.
            "No arigato. I'm not hungry."
            "Ok, well then you go back to sleep. You had quite a fever when Piccolo brought you here."
            "I did?"
            Chichi nodded. “We can talk more in the morning. Get some sleep now."
            "Ok." she replied. "Arigato."
            "Think nothing of it dear. Good night."

            <Ok, this cannot be happening. I must be dreaming. I have to be. How else can I explain being here?> Deanna thought to herself as she looked franticly around the room. <Wait a minute. I recognize this room. This is Gohan's room! Oh my Kami. I'm in the man of my dreams' bed. Oh Kami-sama! Stop it!> she mentally slapped herself. <This isn't real. You’re not really here. You jumped and you should be dead!>
            <Yes, you should be,> came a voice out of nowhere, making her jump. <But you were saved.>
            "Who.... Who's there?" Deanna said in a little more than a squeak.
            <I am the one who saved you from death and brought you here.>
            "But why?" she asked, a little intrigued.
            <You did not lead the life you were supposed to. You were supposed to accomplish great feats.>
            "What went wrong? The fact that my father raped me or the fact that I jumped off a cliff?" she responded, her annoyed voice lined with sarcasm.

<Both. There was a mix up with your soul when you were born. You were to be born to another family. One who would have loved you, one who would never have done what he did to you. But sadly your soul and another were mixed up and you ended up with the family you have now. Or should I say the family you did have?> The voice held a slightly amused tone when it spoke the last part.
            Deanna looked around the room, searching for the owner of the voice. "What do you mean? And how did I get here? This isn't supposed to be real! This is just supposed to be a cartoon!" Deanna spoke loudly, slapping a hand over her mouth when she realized that she had been yelling. <Oh dear Kami-sama, I hope they didn't hear any of that!> She listened for a few minutes and upon hearing nothing she started talking to the voice again. "Well?"
            <Well, what?> the voice asked back.
            "Answer my damn questions!"
            <Alright, I'll tell you what I can. When your soul was mixed up with the other, your destinies changed.>
            Deanna looked confused. "But I was always told a person can’t change their destiny.”
            <Ordinarily one can’t, but these were special circumstances. Anyways, as I was saying, because your destiny was changed it was decided to allow you live your life and see if the life the other soul was suppose to have would change.>
            "Did it?"  
            "No, I'm afraid not; the same occurrences happened. The only change was that the other soul wasn't destined to commit suicide. She was going to fight against it and get help.> The voice gave a heavy sigh. <But you did not. Like I said, you didn't lead the life you were destined to so it was decided that you were to be removed.>

            Deanna raised an eyebrow. “So why here? Of all the places your powers could have brought me, why here? Why put me into a world that’s not even real?”

            <I would have thought that would be obvious.> Deanna could hear the smile in the voice. She raised her eyebrow higher. The smiled turned to an exasperated breath. <The only times you felt safe was during that short thirty minutes when you watched the show made about this dimension; you even dreamed about it. Once we knew this the choice of where to put you was quite simple.> The voice became a gentle caress. <You have great power within you, Deanna, and you are destined to use it. The life you once had is gone. Deanna Jones is dead; at least in your dimension. Here you can be anything, anyone you want.>
            "But I want to be dead! That's why I jumped-"
            <No,> The voice interrupted. <You wanted to escape your life and what was happening to you. You wanted to live but couldn't; not with what was happening.>

            Deanna thought about this for a few moments. It was true. She had had so many dreams as a young child. She had wanted to be a teacher, or an astronaut. She had always wanted to go up into space and explore places no one had ever been before. But those dreams had been shattered when the abuse had started.

            The voice broke her thoughts. <I know what you wanted. Here you can have it. Like I said before, here you can be anyone you want to be.>
            "But...I want to be the deceased Deanna Jones. Not anything else."
            <I can see right through you.> The voice chuckled. <You and I both know what you really want. A loving family, a good future, a true love. You want all these and more, and here you can have it. You can have it all. You just have to want it bad enough. Do you?>
            "I do, but... I... Hey, if you brought me here did I really die in my dimension?" She changed the subject.
            <Yes. Right now your body is at the bottom of the cliff.>
            "And when you brought me here, I was falling through the air; how did you know Piccolo would catch me?" Deanna questioned.   
            <Well, actually he didn't catch you. You fell onto his back.> It explained. <I knew Piccolo would be flying through that point at that moment. Also, I knew he would bring you here. And I know, that you know, that you can trust these people.>

            Deanna took a few minutes to take it all in. <So I'm dead, but not really? And how'd he know Piccolo would be at that exact point right then? But the voice is right, I do feel safe for the first time in a great while. Wait a minute. Voice? I know that voice.> “Dende?”  
            <Yes, it is me; and I'm Dende, I know everything,> Dende chuckled answering her thoughts.
            "How'd you'd do that? And how come I can't see you?" Deanna looked around the dark room again.
            <I'm up in my lookout. I am talking to you telepathically.>He explained.
            "I didn't know you could do that."
            <Learn something new everyday huh?>
            Deanna snorted. "Not today; more like learn too much all at once."
            Dende laughed, then his voice turned serious once again, <You must trust your instincts if you are to survive this world.> Dende laughed again. <And be careful when you meet Vegeta.>
            "Vegeta!? Oh dear Kami-sama!" Deanna almost screamed.
            Dende chuckled, <Don't worry, little one, you will be fine.>
            "Little one!” Deanna grunted. “Goten is only like four which means that I'm still older and taller than you!"
            Dende gave a soft chuckle. <Yes, I know. Call it a force of habit that comes with being Kami. But I must go now. Get some rest and remember; only you have the power to change your destiny. You've already done it once, you can do it again. But be careful on the road to getting what you want; many things will try and stand in your way. And as I have said before, trust your instincts. Only you know what you want out of this life. Go and get it. Farewell. And good luck on your journey.> With that Dende's voice was gone.
            Deanna looked around the room again. I've got to get outta here. I know what Dende said but, I know that if I stay here I'll slip up and say or do something that I'll regret. She quietly crept out of bed, looked, or rather felt, around for her shoes. She found them by the door along with the backpack, packed with her few treasures, she had been wearing when she jumped. I didn't think Dende had brought this here too. She looked up and smiled. Arigato. She quickly put on her shoes and backpack. She unconsciously grabbed a hold of the charm on her necklace as she crept quietly down the stairs. Deanna had just gotten to the front door and was turning the knob when a voice whispered out from the dark.
            "Where you goin?"



Little Japanese lesson^_^V


Arigato - Thank you

Kaasan - Mom

Kami-sama - God


Lesson over^_^


Sorry this was so short, the next one will be longer, promise! And many thanks to Souleater198 for e-mailing what she thought.


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